
5 Truths To Living The Limitless Life - S2 - EPI - 160

  Imagine living a life where you act, think, and live according to your true ideals and towards your meaningful goals. That is the only way to achieve the real goal of this human life. Once we remove the limits we place upon ourselves, we will see the real purpose of our existence and act based on that. 5 timeless truths or principles that will help us design a limitless life. 1. This life comes with an expiry date - Scary Right?  2. The "MONEY" in your bank doesn’t “really” matter  3. Your health is your prime resource 4. People’s opinions about you really don’t matter  5. Your happiness is your responsibility

10 Herbs and Spices With Powerful Health Benefits.

  Herbs and spices have been widely valued for centuries, both for their healing properties and their flavor. Modern research has found evidence for numerous health benefits. Here are 10 of the world’s healthiest herbs and spices, supported by research. 1. Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect 2. Sage Can Improve Brain Function and Memory 3. Peppermint Relieves IBS Pain and May Reduce Nausea   4. Turmeric Contains Curcumin, a Substance With Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Effects   5. Holy Basil Helps Fight Infections and Boosts Immunity   6. Cayenne Pepper Contains Capsaicin, Which Helps Reduce Appetite and May Have Anti-Cancer Properties   7. Ginger Can Treat Nausea and Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties   8. Fenugreek Improves Blood Sugar Control   9. Rosemary Can Help Prevent Allergies and Nasal Congestion   10. Garlic Can Combat Sickness and Improve Heart Health

LWT - Leading Without a Title

Titles and Structure maintain order and keep everything running smoothly. But …. for any organization to thrive amid all the turbulence times …. each one of us needs to take personal responsibility by becoming CEO of our own roles and leaders within our current positions ‘We all need to lead where we are planted and shine where we now find ourselves.’ Six Impressive Ways to Lead Without the Title 1. Cultivate a great mindset. 2. be supportive. 3.  be flexible 4.  Let people know they can count on you. 5. Be the creative one. 6.  Give credit where credit is due. “EACH OF US IS BORN INTO GENIUS. Sadly, most of us die amid mediocrity.” The world needs more leaders. Go lead ― Robin S. Sharma, The Leader Who Had No Title

Attract Wealth, Health, Prosperity & Happiness

  Attract Wealth And Good Fortune Attracting means You are focusing on improving over wanting. You are not taking. You are giving by being the best version of you focus inward instead of outward I am working on myself, my relationship with myself, my body, my belief system. Attracting doesn’t always mean shiny things -  like clothes and wealth and cars Attracting means getting things that line up with your purpose Attract Energy By Being That Energy Attract Wealth And Good Fortune Attract Wealth and Success It’s all about energy. You follow your intuition

Billionaire Robert Smith Explains The 2% Solution To Structural Racism In America | Forbes

  Robert F. Smith, the private equity billionaire who is the nation’s richest Black person, said on Thursday that large corporations should use 2% of their annual net income for the next decade to empower minority communities. Smith made the comments after circulating a plan among CEOs that first calls on big banks to capitalize on the financial institutions that service Black-owned businesses and minority-run entrepreneurial ventures. In a keynote address, he gave at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy, Smith, 57, said Black and minority communities have been abandoned by large banks and are starved of the capital needed to build businesses and local institutions. Smith argued that pumping in what he described as “reparative” capital and investing directly in financial architecture would be a fast way to advance economic justice for Black Americans. “Nowhere is structural racism more apparent than in corporate America,” Smith said. “If you think about structural racism and access

SpaceX's Starship SN15 prototype successfully lands

  It appears that SpaceX has managed its first successful launch and landing sequence of a Starship prototype, as SN15 took off Wednesday afternoon and returned to the pad in Boca Chica, TX.  It landed in one piece and as the official live stream ended there's still a small methane fire at the base, but so far has remained intact. Elon Musk tweeted "Starship landing nominal" as he prepares for his appearance on Saturday Night Live, and a stream from observers in the area shows that SN15 continues to stand on the pad.   The SN11 vehicle didn't make it back to the ground, while SN10 landed briefly before exploding after landing too hard and crushing its legs. With one successful high-altitude test under its belt, SpaceX has moved much closer to its vision of reusable Starships that fly to the ISS, the Moon, around the Earth, and beyond. 

The Black Tax: Cost of Being a Black American​ | Shawn Rochester

CEO of Good Steward LLC, Financial Coach, and Author Shawn D. Rochester discusses his new book, "The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America". He examines the various costs associated with being Black in America, as well as what the Black community and concerned advocates can do to help close the wealth gap.​ Get the book here: ​ Moderated by Shadan Deleveaux​.