Up level your life in 2021 - Lisa Nichols
When I think about my journey, I think back to a time in 1994 when I needed to rescue myself and give Lisa a chance to see who Lisa could become. ⠀
I needed to touch my full potential….⠀
My 100. ⠀
Anyone been there? Or maybe you are there right now. ⠀
If so, I promise you, you are not alone.⠀
You see, I had to figure out how to create new opportunities for myself. ⠀
And if there is one thing I know for sure, sometimes you gotta LIVE IT before you can TEACH IT.⠀
See, people who want to be successful normally don’t think about what it’s going to cost you…⠀⠀
Things like:⠀

Success isn’t something that’s gifted to you. It’s something you have to go get.⠀
And in order to get it, you have to put in more time, more work, more energy.⠀
You have to be willing to do what it takes to uplevel your life.⠀
You have to be willing to stop shrinking and start playing BIG

What steps are you taking right now to live in abundance? To build the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself? Share with me below.⠀
XO, Lisa
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