There is no shortcut!

“Nothing worth having comes easy”, we all have often come
across these lines, but how many of us have experienced the truth behind these
lines? In life we all set some goals, some may be far-fetched some maybe for
the near future, but to achieve these goals it is important that we work with
our hearts and souls. It is important that we put in hard work and do not go for
shortcuts, sometimes in life our goals seem to be unachievable and we start
losing patience, so we start looking for shortcuts since we get tired and think
that hard work is bringing in no results.
Yes, the shortcuts may look easier and sometime you may
reach close to your goals, but is it really worth? The success achieved by
shortcuts is short-lived; we often get tempted by the shortcuts and ignore the
loopholes of that shortcut but later realize how big a mistake it was. Hard
work will pay off sooner or later; the path of hard work is not easy but the
destination it leads to will be worth all the difficulties.
Do you believe in magic? If you do, then you shall see the magic
in everything and if you don’t then no magic will appeal to you.
Similarly, if you believe in hard work then you will know and
believing in the magic of hard work and the funny part is if you don’t believe
in hard work, sooner or later you will, but how life will make you realize the
magic can be positive or negative.
It is better to believe in the magic called hard work, it
has its own pace, trust the timing, and as our elders say “Sabar ka phal meetha
hota hai” and you will definitely get to taste the sweet fruit of hard work.
Keep giving in your best;
put in all your efforts,
at least the guilt of not giving your 100% will not bother
Hard work will give you inner peace; it will give you a
sense of satisfaction that you had put in all the hard work in achieving your
goals. Never shy away from hard work, and you know what the best part about
hard work is? You never lose anything.
Life will put you to tests when you will have the options of
choosing between shortcut and hard work, the selection of shortcut will give
you all the world’s tempting offers but don’t get swayed away by it, it is just
a trap which will make you fall into a deep pit from where it would be
difficult to come back.
Hard work will give you many experiences; it will make you a
stronger and a better person. Just have patience and faith.
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