When I was little boy my daddy will always pick me up,when he came home from work, he will pick me up, when he saw me after church, he will pick me up, after school he will pick me up, no matter how long he worked and no matter how tired, he will pick me up. So when I had my kids, I always pickup my kids up. When I got home, sometimes I am tired, they had a bottle in one hand and the other hand up and they knew what daddy was suppose to do, my job was to pick them up. This i s a spiritual interaction, when you pickup a child up, its a spiritual transaction, when you pick up a child up, you change their perspective, when you pick up child, they all of sudden the see the world the way you see it. I don’t care what your children have done, there is nothing they can do for you to stop picking them up. Well my daughter is a drug addict, I don’t care pick her up, My son messes up, I don’t care pick him up, I don’t care, pick them up That’s your #1 job Daddy, that’s #1 your j...